IE467 Discrete-Event Computer Simulation Application Heading link
The solution of industrial problems by means of computer simulation, simulation strategies, simulation perspectives, projects.
Course information: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): IE 342
IE 342 Probability and Statistics for Engineers Heading link
Probability, random variables, mathematical expectation, discrete and continuous distributions, estimation theory, test of hypothesis, and introduction to standard experimental designs.
Course information: 3 hours
Prerequisite(s): MATH 181
IE 442 Design and Analysis of Experiments in Engineering Heading link
Covers different methods for statistical design of engineering experiments, executing them and analyzing their results.
Course information: 4 hours
Prerequisite(s): IE 342
IE 446 Quality Control and Reliability Heading link
3 OR 4 hours. Principles of statistical quality control including control by variable and by attribute, construction and use of control charts for variables, fraction defectives and number of defects and use of standard plans, reliability and life cycle testing.
Course information: 3 undergraduate hours or 4 graduate hours
Prerequisite(s): IE 342
IE 594 Time Series Analysis and Forecasting Heading link
Modeling physical systems/processes from operational data, time series models as tools for system analysis, forecasting the behavior based on the system dynamics, forecasting control to alter a system’s performance, applications of time series analysis.
Course information: 4 hours